Criminal psychology of female victims and criminals and the social defense of its executive guarantee

1403/11/17 01:16

Criminal psychology of female victims and criminals and the social defense of its executive guarantee

Criminal psychology of female victims and criminals and the social defense of its executive guarantee


Dr. Hesamoddin Rahimi

Academic staff and law professor of Tehran universities. Iran


Currently, when the system of execution of punishments is heavily influenced by educational considerations, and criminals are recognized as social patients, and the ultimate goal is to treat them, criminology issues are at the top of studies and researches of scientific authorities.

It has been more than a century that criminology has received special attention in different countries, and by using different methods, considerable studies and researches have been carried out in different fields. It is obvious that reaching a desirable result and adopting a decisive and effective procedure against the phenomenon of delinquency requires a precise and extensive scientific study from an objective and subjective point of view.

Introduction/background of the research

One of the reasons for investigating women's crimes along with the social progress and changes in the culture and civilization of the people caused their way of thinking about this class of people to change and the investigation in this regard is more influenced by the culture and civilization of different communities. take


As a result of the efforts and sacrifices of some thinkers and elders and social requirements, there were changes in this field, and after the Second World War, this change intensified and spread on a large scale, and as a result, women were able to have some of their rights. Self-achieving future.

Despite having an ancient and deep culture, our society was not spared from this inequality, and it necessarily faced various problems and troubles.

The purpose of investigating women's crimes is to investigate and analyze the situation of female criminals from different aspects to find out who are the most incompatible and to what extent is the type, amount and quality of their pollution?


The ultimate goal of this study is to find out what problems and troubles exist for this group of women, social changes and developments, and the departure from some of the traditions and customs of the past, and the change of some of their habits and living conditions, and giving them more freedom. What effects will it have on them in their lives?

If a solution is not found for the treatment of this group of people in the society, or if there is no attempt to fix and prevent it, sooner or later we will face problems and troubles that will probably expose the society to countless pollutions.

The first problem is the lack of content on which the relevant statistics are prepared. The statistics that are prepared at this level have a ceremonial aspect because no one pays attention to the philosophy of its preparation, nor is it used.


Another problem that makes research work somewhat difficult is the lack of cooperation between the researched and the researcher. This case is clearly felt in Iran and it is completely true in the case of the majority of women, and this non-cooperation and most of the misleading answers can be considered as the result of the general morals of the people, because women generally state the reason for their non-cooperation. It is said that it is related to our private life, the mention of which is sometimes to our detriment.

 Beze is a phenomenon that appears with the formation and organization of human communities. Human societies create general rules and regulations in order to guarantee the basic social values ​​and in other words to maintain order and continue their lives, which are placed in the form of "law" in modern societies. Although customary or legislative rules and regulations are met with the favor and respect of the majority of citizens, but always in the implementation stage, a minority of people come to the position of exchange and resistance against the mentioned rules. Because even though the majority of the members of the society consider their own and the community's personal interests and interests in following the orders of the legislator, instead, a minority secures their interests by defying the laws and regulations and their shortcomings. In all human societies, from the beginning until now, the "criminal cycle" has been realized by passing through three times or three stages, the ultimate goal of which was to ensure the continuity of the life of social people and their progress - the stage of establishing laws and regulations (legislative-criminal evaluations) ) - the stage of violating laws and regulations (committing a criminal offense) - and finally, the stage of the emergence of the legal reaction of the society against the act or omission of the act that violates the law (mainly in the form of punishment and sometimes in the form of or accompanied by security and educational measures).


A) The term and concept of criminal policy, as a field of scientific study, was used for the first time by German scientists, Anselm von Feuerbach, in his book "Criminal Law" which was published in 1803 AD. Criminal policy has been defined as a set of repressive methods by which the government reacts against crime" and thus has obtained a narrow concept from it, which is in fact "criminal policy". Criminal policy in Feuerbach's thinking is firstly based on and equipped with tools and devices that are mainly aggressive and punitive in nature, i.e. what the law and the penal system provides to deal with criminals;


Secondly, it has an official aspect. In this view, providing social security is one of the duties of the government. Thirdly, it deals with the fight against "crime", i.e., a phenomenon whose definition, boundaries, and types have been defined by the legislator, and other deviant behaviors that are socially and morally reprehensible, but because they do not have a criminal aspect and a guarantee of criminal execution. They are, it doesn't matter.

b) Von Liszt, another German scientist who was one of the founders of the International Union of Criminal Law in 1889, at the end of the 19th century - that is, about three quarters of a century before Feuerbach - in his book "The Synopsis of German Law", a more or less similar concept of He has offered criminal policy, which can be deduced from his definition of criminal policy: "a regular set of principles by which the government and society organize the fight against crime." It is considered a criminal policy.

c) At the beginning of the 20th century (1905), the French scientist Kush, in his "Criminology, Criminal Sociology, and Criminal Anthropology"

نویسنده: دکتر حسام رحیمی دسته بندی: حقوقی تاریخ ثبت: 01:16 1403/11/17 78 نفر بازدید